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What We Do

ABA Tutor Finder is a new service offering an online directory of tutors and program supervisors, practising in a variety of behavioural intervention strategies, for families and carers of children on the autism spectrum.

Having worked in the field of ABA since 2005, the site’s creator, Christopher Howe, became aware of the difficulties families were facing when seeking to recruit new tutors to work on home-based behavioural intervention programs for their children. He discovered that many of the methods for finding and recruiting tutors were costly, time consuming and in many cases ended with limited success, in the worst cases leaving the structure of the child’s life upturned, and their development further delayed. To address this important issue, ABA Tutor Finder was created.

ABA Tutor Finder provides an easy to use and effective service through which families can source, contact and recruit the best candidates to work with them and their children on their home-based behavioural intervention programs.

The site allows tutors and program supervisors to advertise their skills and services on its online directory for free. In turn, for just Fr34.99 a year, the site allows families to search this directory of tutors by location, experience, availability, position and therapy style (eg. Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA), Verbal Behaviour-ABA (VB-ABA), Relationship Development Intervention (RDI) and Occupational Therapy (OT)). Families can then access further information regarding potentially suitable candidates, including their contact details, via the site’s CV download feature by purchasing credits securely via PayPal.

If you are a tutor or a parent interested in registering with ABA Tutor Finder then please click on the appropriate link on the left to get started.